Types of passport:
1). Regular passport (Navy blue cover)-issued for ordinary citizens and ordinary travel, such as vacations, research and business travel (36 or 60 pages). It is type "P" stands for an individual Passport-P.
2). Official passport (white cover)-public service in India issued to individuals representing the Government. It is the "s" stands for the Passport-S services.
3). Diplomatic passport (Maroon cover)-issued to diplomats, top ranking government India and diplomatic couriers. It is a type "D" Passport-D stands for diplomacy.
The President of the all India national authority passport, identifying the bearer as a citizen of the Republic of India, and requests also the bearer to pass freely without any interference and support and protection from the need to include a note in. India passport status internal memo.
" These are to request and require in the Name of the President of the Republic of India all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford him or her, every assistance and protection of which he or she may stand in need.
By order of the President of the Republic of India "
Issue of passports and travel documents to persons who are not citizens of lndia.
The foregoing provisions are related to the problem despite anything contained in the Passport or travel document happens to be also the Central Government issues, Citizens of India issued passports and travel documents to him The Government opinion is that there is a need to do so in the public interest so.
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